Some Weirdness
“If you’re always trying to be normal, You’ll never know how amazing you can be!”
I know this in part because I am weird, quirky, eccentric, odd, strange and unique. However my external world chooses to see or label me; that one question often always pops up, “Why can’t you be… Normal?”
You didn't set out to be weird I know, it's not something you can plan to be one day, you either are, or you aren't, it's that simple.
In truth, you are a radiant being, blessed from birth. Fortunate to have been gifted with such a strange and beautiful energy woven deep into the very fabric of your soul — a treasure that not everyone possesses and for those that do, they often choose to keep it hidden.
Convincing yourself that there is something wrong in your make-up, adding this strange uniqueness to that ever-growing list of flaws you've notched up about yourself. You know the list I mean right? It's the list where you in no particular order choose to fabricate a very large gremlin of imperfections you think you have, which in reality are your superpowers. I could catalogue loads you believe you have, but I'll save that for my future posts.
In this post I want to spotlight your "Sui Generis." or some would refer to it as you being straight-out weird! And the reasons why Owning you're weird is a must I’m going to help you find the strength to wear your strange proud.
I'm all about you finding your genie to being you and accepting this remarkable character trait other people seem to have a problem with, or should I say, that you should be perfectly happy falling heir too.
So let's get comfy and read on. All I ask is that you clear your mind of any negative preconceived thoughts, as this post is best absorbed with a quiet mind.
When you were growing up, second thoughts throughout your University years, scrap that, In your current working environment because this kind of deliberate antagonism can journey with us throughout our lives, like a horrible feckin smell!
You are either made fun of directly or indirectly. For being too nerdy, weird, laughing too loudly, or maybe you just belted out "The hills are alive with the sound of music." during a period of the afternoon that's considered by some of your petulant work colleagues, way too early still?! to be displaying capacious amounts of happiness.
These people don't quite get you and probably never will. Others over the cause of many moons will learn to cope with you and your weirdness because they have no choice. And over time, perhaps grow to love your remarkable peculiar ways.
Growing up was fair to middling. Experiencing the usual things kids growing up occasionally have to encounter: the teasing and name-calling, but nothing I would characterise as bullying. Thinking back to those times immemorial, I was a pretty resistant strong little human, Loud yes, but not as weird; I guess I grew into my eccentricity.
Kids can be such assholes. The name-calling was either focalised around my hairstyle at the time, a.k.a hot cross Bun or my ratherish large lips - "rubber lips," which did inescapably turn into one of my hang-ups.
This little idèe fixe accompanied me on my journey through life for a while, that is until I kicked that recusant gremlin out of the car and on to the side of the road where it belonged. Oh How the tables do turn! "Feather in the cap" moment right here!
I am now veraciously thankful for these big lips of mine. Oh and to avoid any signals getting mixed, I do not currently rock the Hot Cross Bun today.
Uncertainty and internal questioning bubbled to the surface back in July of last year, not that long ago actually. A centralised examination about who I was as a human.
My very individuality, am I too fluky, with some personality disorder?!
“A Change is Gonna Come”.
My work colleagues changed, the people I had worked with for over 13 years, people that got me and my off centred ways, peeps I could just be myself around, no judgment - my comrades shuffled and were replaced by what I can only describe as supercilious, pessimistic individuals who made it there office objective to dim my brilliant and shiny light.
It happens to the best and most influential of us; we get tested, cracks begin to appear cracks I was sure as hell surprised to see in myself. Whoa, I thought I was "strong like bull" apparently not!
It's these indirect or direct personal attacks if you don't prep for them coming, sure as hell knock your very essence all out of proportion.
On the flip side, life's test I encountered was just what I needed to look inside myself, strengthen my core being and re-affirm who I am. The universe, In reality, had placed me at a crossroads. I had a critical decision to make with my sparkle, do I dim my light and:
Be more like them, unexceptional a statistic based upon a majority, in turn, they may like me more, even though I am not staying true to myself, or:
A) Continue to be me with all my awesome vibes - Limited edition.
I always make it a point never to stay in that dark place for too long. So after hours of mental re-decorating and ongoing personal development, I found that light switch moment.
It was a no-brainer! There is nothing wrong with me or you! I chose Limited Edition, and it was and is empowering!
“Today you are you. That is truer than true,
There is no one alive who is you-er than you!”
Don't be so hard on yourself. It's going to take some time getting your sparkle to glow at the correct levels, uninterrupted.
It's going to take time for you to embrace who you are and who you are not, what to centre your energy towards and what to shut your eyes too.
And okay, fine, maybe there are a couple of things wrong with you - like the fact that you do not realize your positive potential in this world. You're not living genuinely in existence, dreams are still just head trips, and you're waking up every day breathing the echo of your life, down in the mouth, giving leave for little miss day-to-day to slap you every which way!
Have I hit a nerve yet? Great, now let's talk about what happens to the recesses of the heart when you're stuck in say a job, for example, you don't want to be in, that undeniable funk. The paralyzing AM and PM despair, crabbiness and Friday... finally!! You made it!
You wish your life away, without pausing to enjoy the "Now" and expressing eternal gratitude.
Eat, Sleep, Work Repeat, and this is just your job!
The question, now how does that vital force we call your soul to reciprocate when you are not holding the fort and living faithfully to your exquisite peculiarity?
It's an equal exchange.
Seriously folks! You don't need that kind of empowerment from the rest of humankind. Permission slips to be kooky, half-baked, frivolous, or all-out supernatural.
You sure as hell can't outrun yourself and life is way too fleeting pretending to be ordinary when you and I both know your madder than a box of frogs.
Just friggin own it! (Ahem, good clapping point right there! x)
Unvarnished Truths
Stop battling so hard not to be weird! Mentally and emotionally you may not currently have a hard as nails grip on this trailblazing light the Cosmos has imparted onto only you. But if you're open to learning how I promise you in time supernova results, a quiet mind, poop loads of confidence, shed loads of self-love, with an insatiable desire and persistence to getting and living the life you deserve.
Like the differences found in the patterns on a butterfly, you to have variations in what I like to refer to has - " A wonderful kind of extraordinary."
Maybe your weird is having an unpredictable far-out fashion style, colourful, quirky, artsy? Good for you, because the only thing that should ever remain constant is your devotion to stand out and not blend in.
Being weird is so much about doing just that, proclaiming your uniqueness to the world, standing out and standing tall.
"Hell yes, this is me! like it or not, I'm never going to stop being weird.
And if you don't presently know the benefits your superpower possesses, you're not going to understand how to harness it to achieve that beyond a doubt purpose in life.
Direction, purpose and Inside happiness!
This my bewitching magical ones is what I am going to help you to perfect.
Now if my words are hard on you, it's because the world is challenging and if you were hoping to read this post for a sympathy hook-up? Validation for you to remain content in your little rut, sorry to disappoint.
Change has to first start with you. You need to be at that critical point in your life, where you are truly fed up with suffering and willing to take action.
It would help if you stopped looking outside of yourself for scraps of pleasure and fulfilment, validation for not being you.
Stop waiting for someone to give meaning to your life, confidence and self-love come from within; you complete you!
"You came into existence alone, and your passage out will be no different. So why the blazes would you want to show up every day not being weird."
Why dim you’re light when you can have it on full flipping beam?!.
Listen. If you came to this post feeling misunderstood, not good enough, low-spirited. The world, small animals, bad Tinder matches, your coworkers, or society-at-large are all against you - Sorry to hear that, but you are now in the right place.
Everything happens for a reason, and there is a reason why your so darn weird and this meeting I called, wasn't just down to pure chance. Even though there is nothing wrong with you being a crazy-ass diamond, the culture you live in RIGHT NOW might be causing you to think otherwise and question yourself. My gig is to help you trigger that "it's time to be me" switch and fly that weird flag high and proud. In addition to helping you accept who you are, strange and beautiful I'm going to help you find certainty in your quirky, your posture, your looks, style, life goals, and you're inclusive swagger.
Because all of these qualities that make up your weird - yes, even the flaws, also make you enchanting, gifted and commanding in your way.
You need to attach some weight behind it to own them. Own your Weird and being proud.
“Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Already Taken.”
First things first being weird has to be one of the most unique qualities a human can possess (In my opinion) And I will tell you why:
You will be remembered.
Your weird makes you memorable, and that statement is not even up for discussion, it's a fact!
You wouldn't try for hours to get a square peg into a round hole, would you? Seriously that isn’t very intelligent, not to mention time-wasting.
There are so many other constructive things you could be doing with your time, like finding the right peg to fit that hole would be a good start. The same can be said trying to fit into somebody else's half-baked pie-in-the-sky stamp of an A-OK personality type your soul should mimic. Trust me the results will be colourless.
Our hearts are not inspired by the expected; they are set alight by the captivating. You're weird, by its very individuality is spellbinding.
Be you, your very own kind of weird choose to live in an imitation free zone with a personal individuality exclusive to only you. Humanity won't remember a soul trying to wear someone else's essence badly, but they will remember those being brave enough to be themselves, expressing everything that makes you stand out and different, they can imitate your style, but they can't emulate your weird, that only you can do.
Super Powers They Only Wish They Had.
Being different is your Super Power. That awkward, loud laugh might make you endearing, busting out some tunes while on the tube, or dancing a jig in a long ass queue while waiting to see the much anticipated “The Invisible Man,” might very well brighten somebody else's day.
Whatever your quirks are when you learn to master them they contain high power. A Super Power strong enough to land you eventual success in all walks of life.
Are you going for that dream job? Your weird had it in the bag before the interview even started!
That outlandish insane idea you had for a business, going it alone. Well, what do you know! After years of that "What if I fail"sickness, to colossal action taking, you've hit the ground running. Finally! Doing something dreams are made of, something you love.
You only need to take a look at some of the greats, every creative breakthrough - Artistic, musical, Scientific, etc. They succeeded because they each had a unique way of thinking. Weird is the reason they will be leaving behind a legacy.
The world needs a new angle. Innovation does not originate from within the status quo. Technology like Apple happened because Steve jobs challenged the status quo with his weird idea.
Why be ordinary when you can be weird?
Could you even begin to envisage eating the same meal for the rest of your life Yikes?! ho-hum! for me, that isn't ever going to happen. Or how about everybody donning the same colour, until the end of time?
Picture an all-black ensemble you're dressed like the woman in black, but on the lips is L'Oreal Paris liquid matt lipstick in shade 205 Apocalypse Red (my favourite colour guys!)
That bold red is you and all you're weird; you stand out.
“They got you, babe”.
For those of you who comply, you do so for fear of feeling isolated from social circles. Standing out will not make you lonesome -- far from it. It would help if you learned to harness an honest existence, only then will you discover others that get you, those that align with your weirdness, this is your tribe. Stand up and stand out, live according to your purpose. Those that have stood up before will find you.
Appreciate who you are and protect it, you will serve as inspiration for those who will stand up next.
The World Needs Authenticity.
Seriously, citizens, the world needs you! I can't stress this enough (Jeez) Here on earth where obedience is the most comfortable option; authenticity is like oil, it's in high friggin demand. Beneath the surface, everyone wants to be more real, but we don't all want to be the first to take that plunge.
Trust me, when you take those first steps to animate has you, those around you will do the same.
The brain may not be able to comprehend it at first amongst all the mental noise you got going on but the soul, the soul always knows.
Trust in yourself, find your power in self-perception. You have to choose your battles wisely, so stop fighting to fit in and fight to stand the hell out!
Will it be uncomfortable at first? Doh! of course, but when you start taking ownership of your actions and become the watcher over your internal thoughts, the world will bend to the strength of your confidence, and shape to your impression of you.
“Show Up And Let Yourself Be Seen”